North Carolina Office
4350 Main St., Ste. 211, Harrisburg, NC 28075

The North Carolina Office of GRL Engineers provides pile and drilled shaft testing services and analyses in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Southern Virginia. Contact for additional information.
Contact Us
Telephone: (704) 456-7215 Fax: (980) 258-0201 Email:
North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Southern Virginia
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Featured Case Study
Scotts Hill Water Tower in Wilmington, NC
The foundation for the Wilmington Water Tower specified Dynamic Load Testing and Low Strain Integrity Testing on production drilled shafts.…
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Featured Case Study
Radius Dilworth Overlook in Charlotte
Thermal Integrity Profiling was used to take thermal measurements during concrete hydration on the overlook project in Charlotte, NC. GRL…
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Featured Case Study
Commuter Rail Station Expansion
Thermal Integrity Profiling using thermal wire and Crosshole Sonic Logging are compared in this North Carolina case study to determine…
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Featured Case Study
Lynch River Bridge Replacement
In Florence, South Carolina, GRL Engineers provided various testing methods for the Lynch River Bridge replacement. Prior to pouring concrete,…
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Featured Case Study
Replacement Bridge Over Buffington Road and NFS Railroad
The SCDOT retained GRL Engineers to perform testing on a production shaft. Drilled shaft verticality and cleanliness were evaluated on…
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Featured Case Study
Bonner Bridge
When the damage of multiple hurricanes led to a bridge replacement in North Carolina, GRL Engineers performed testing on the…
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GRL is internationally recognized for major contributions to the deep foundation area of expertise. Choose from a variety of testing topics and GRL will dedicate an hour to educating and engaging with your staff. Please contact for more information or to arrange a lunch and learn program.
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Reference Papers
- Recommendations on Two Acceleration Measurements with Low Strain Integrity Testing
- Friction Fatigue and Drivability Analysis of Open Ended Pipe Piles Based on Cone Penetration Testing Results
- Driveability Analysis Techniques for Offshore Pile Installations

Herbert C. Bonner Bridge Awarded
The GRL North Carolina office performed dynamic and static load testing for the Bonner Bridge project, which was recognized by the Southeastern Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (SASHTO) with America’s Transportation Awards.