GRLWEAP14 Wave Equation Analysis
Assessing Bearing Capacity, Driving Stresses and Drivability
GRLWEAP14 Wave Equation Analysis is a one-dimensional software program which models the pile driving process. A GRL engineer assembles the pertinent project information including the pile type, pile length, required ultimate capacity, specified driving stress limits, and geotechnical information. With this information, the engineer can then use the program to develop a bearing graph analysis (blow count and stresses versus capacity at multiple capacities), an inspector’s chart analysis (blow count and stresses versus hammer stroke for a single capacity), or a drivability analysis (blow count and stresses for a calculated capacity at a given penetration depth or multiple penetration depths). These analysis results can be used to assess the constructability of a pile design or establish a pile installation criterion.
The founders of GRL Engineers, Inc., developed the public domain WEAP Wave Equation Analysis program in the early 1970s. This program subsequently became GRLWEAP in the 1980’s. Since that time, it has remained the industry standard pile driving simulation software for pile driving professionals worldwide. GRL Engineers are experts in the use of this software program, allowing them to quickly perform and provide analysis results