Testing and
Consulting Services
GRL Engineers offer a wide range of testing and consulting services nationwide for driven and drilled deep foundations. The majority of engineers staffing our 14 office locations are licensed professional engineers and have advanced engineering degrees. Most of these engineers have also achieved Advanced Level or Higher on the PDCA/PDI Dynamic Measurement and Analysis Proficiency Test.
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PDA Pile Monitoring and Dynamic Testing
GRL performs Dynamic Monitoring and Load Testing of Deep Foundations innovatively and efficiently, responding to construction control codes and time and cost pressures.
Integrity Evaluation
GRL offers its clients various options, including Thermal Integrity Testing (TIP), Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL), Gamma Gamma Logging (GGL), and Low Strain Integrity Testing (PIT).
Load Testing
GRL offers static, bi-directional, and dynamic load testing solutions to meet project needs based on foundation type, required load magnitude, test schedule and site constraints.
GRLWEAP14 Wave Equation Analysis
Assessing Bearing Capacity, Driving Stresses and Drivability GRLWEAP14 Wave Equation Analysis is a one-dimensional software program which models the pile driving process. A GRL engineer…
Case Pile Wave Analysis Program (CAPWAP) Analysis CAPWAP® is the most accurate analysis method to determine deep foundation capacity from pile top dynamic measurements. In…
Energy Measurements
Measure the energy transferred by an SPT hammer to the SPT drill rod or a Becker drill hammer to the Becker drill pipe.
Offshore Foundation Testing
Offshore Pile Driving GRL Engineers has helped achieve successful pile installation for offshore platforms in fields throughout the world. This expertise translates seamlessly to the…
Specialty Engineering Services
GRL has unsurpassed expertise in many engineering services, including comprehensive training of foundation testing, and review of deep foundation testing results obtained from third parties.…
Remote Testing
GRL Engineers provides remote testing services for shaft cleanliness and verticality assessments, thermal integrity profiling, and pile driving monitoring.
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